
Commercial participants pay € 320 euro, hobbyists pay € 80 euro for attending the 2 days of ELC Europe.

All registrations through the ELC Europe website will have access to both the NLUUG and the ELC Europe sessions.

On November 6th there is a social event for NLUUG and ELC attendees at Burger’s Bush (zoo) in Arnhem. 6pm-9pm. Please note: Admission is &euro 15 euro per person, separate from the ELC attendance fee.

To register for ELC Europe 2008, please send an email using the
Registration Form

Registration Information

Please register in advance. This is the only way we can guarantee there will be a badge, a T-shirt and a conference bag for you and enough food and drinks.

Thursday November 6

Friday November 7

incl. 19% VAT

excl. VAT

ELC Europe:


€ 320.00

€ 268.91

Included in price


€   80.00


Included in price

(see Social Event)

€   15.00

All participants have to pay the  VAT, including all employees of European companies. Your accounting department will know how to get the VAT refunded.


In the Netherlands, it is very customary to wire money in advance or use debit cards to pay at the conference. We do also accept cash payments at the registration desk.
Especially for our overseas guests, this year we will also accept credit cards.

Your registration is only considered complete if:

1. We have confirmed your registration by letter or e-mail and
2. We received your payment before October 31st 2008

(non-Dutch attendees need not pay in advance).

Advance payments can be wired to Postbank account 2353318 for “NLUUG”. Please indicate the invoice number from your confirmation.

For non-Dutch attendees:
IBAN:                      NL77 PSTB 0002 3533 18
BIC/SWIFT:              PSTBNL21

If you have not received any confirmation within 7 days of your registration, please contact the NLUUG office:
phone:  +31 318 694416

If your payment has not been made before October 31 2008, you will have to pay at the registration desk. You can use PIN (Maestro), VISA and Master Card credit cards or pay cash.

For dutch participants only:
Voor Nederlandse deelnemers die niet kunnen aantonen dat ze betaald hebben, bestaat de mogelijkheid om een machtiging tot automatische incasso te tekenen. Indien we twee weken later nog geen betaling hebben ontvangen, wordt deze geincasseerd.

The first 50 ELC Europe registrations and the first 50 (paid) NLUUG registrations will also receive a free Early Bird gift!